Travel Blog of a Retired Travelling Diplomat

Step back in time at Bokrijk: A journey through the ages.

October 3, 2024.peetersooms.0 Likes.0 Comments

Welcome, dear readers, to the enchanting world of Bokrijk, Belgium’s delightful open-air museum where history comes alive and occasionally trips over its own wooden clogs. Tucked away in Flanders, this 5.5 square kilometer (that’s 2.1 square miles for my metric-challenged friends) domain is a haven of heritage. With 148 authentic buildings, a nature reserve, and even a botanical garden (arboretum, if you’re feeling fancy), Bokrijk is where past meets present, and they have a good laugh over a pint at the village inn.

Meet the Residents (Who Swear They’re Not Actors)

At Bokrijk, you’re not just a passive observer; you’re a time traveler, hobnobbing with folks from centuries past. These “locals” swear they aren’t actors. From blacksmiths hammering away as if the Industrial Revolution never happened, to schoolmasters reciting multiplication tables that exclude smartphones, the museum offers a smorgasbord of sights, sounds, and smells.

Imagine wandering through a charming village square, waving to the innkeeper as he boasts about his mead-making skills, while the local carpenter tries to convince you that his handmade wooden spoons are the ultimate fidget spinners. It’s history with a twist and a fair bit of improvisation.

3 Photos above Ⓒ Bokrijk

A stroll through time.

Bokrijk isn’t just about gazing at old buildings and wondering why people in the past seemed allergic to straight lines and right angles. Oh no, it’s a full-on interactive experience. With over 30,000 pieces of everyday life from the 17th century to 1950, there’s plenty to see and even more to touch. Just be prepared to have your mind blown by the revolutionary concept of “manual labor.”
The oldest building, dating back to 1507, stands proudly, whispering tales of a time when “streaming” referred to fishing in a river. It’s humbling to be in a place where history isn’t just in books—it’s in the creak of a wooden floorboard and the flicker of candlelight (which, no, you cannot use to charge your phone).

No more buildings…

Due to changes in Belgian heritage law, Bokrijk can no longer move new buildings into its collection, but fret not! With its current assortment of picturesque structures and the lively reenactments of rural life from the 1900s, there’s more than enough to keep even the most jaded time-travel enthusiast entertained.
So, whether you’re an avid history buff, a casual visitor, or someone who just likes to play “spot the anachronism,” Bokrijk has something for you. Just remember to wear comfortable shoes and be ready to leap out of the way of any runaway horse carts—because in Bokrijk, you never know what (or who) might come galloping around the corner.

Nature and Nurture: The botanical garden adventure

Now, after you’ve soaked up all that history, it’s time to explore Bokrijk’s botanical garden, an arboretum that puts the “nature” in “nurture.” This sprawling garden is home to plants from every corner of the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned botanist or someone who struggles to keep a cactus alive, there’s something here for you.
As you wander through the verdant expanse, take a deep breath and relish the fact that you’re standing in a place where Mother Nature and Father Time have shared some pretty spectacular lunches.

And there you have it, dear readers—a day in the life of Bokrijk, where history is not just remembered but relived. Grab your sunhat, dust off your Flemish phrasebook, and prepare for a visit that’s as educational as it is entertaining. Who knows? You might even learn something about our ancestors!

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