Travel Blog of a Travelling Diplomat

Madame, do you remember the first time you met your husband? Sir, do you remember your first date with your wife? Well for us that was 41 years ago and we both do remember exactly where and when. In those first few years of marriage, many couples go through a challenging period of adjustment and turbulence. Some marriages survive that choppy ride, while a few marriages collapse even before the first anniversary. Nowadays a marriage is labelled successful when it outlasts the carton of milk in your fridge. But for us it’s been 39 years since the mayor spoke the famous words : “I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now change your Facebook status” Since that day back in ’81 we have been married for so long and not once have we had an argument serious enough to consider divorce; murder, yes, but divorce, never! So for all those freshly wedded who want to know how to make your marriage last for 39 years like us, one important advice … buy a dishwasher as soon as you get married 🙂 you didn’t really think we were going to offer you serious marriage counseling for free did you? …

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